Collie River Suspension Bridge

Project Overview

Fortec was engaged by DBCA to design and construct a suspension footbridge over the Collie River in WA.

Fortec won the project by submitting the alternative design of a Stressed Ribbon Bridge which we believe is the first in Australia.

A Stressed Ribbon Bridge has the main load bearing cables positioned underneath the bridge deck and are not visible to the public.

The bridge was constructed for a cycle/walkway track and had limited access for heavy construction machinery.

Fast Facts

  • CLIENTDepartment of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions
  • LOCATIONCollie, WA

Scope of works

  • 12 Rock Anchors ranging in depth from 12-16m and stressed to 100 Tonnes
  • 6 micro piles 12m deep
  • 6 steel wire rope cables with a diameter of 40mm and tensioned to 60 Tonnes
  • 48 individual bridge units fabricated out of weathering steel

Key Points of Interest

  • Weathering steel does not require surface treatment as due to the exposure to the weather it forms a stable protective rust layer
  • Fortec used a wide range of specialised construction techniques to build this structure